Master Billing Agreement
1. Checks and Fraud Procedure
All our signups go through a stringent fraud detection process. Our verification department would cross-check all the information given during the signup. This is done to establish that the account holder is aware of what they have purchased as also the fact that the signup has been made with their knowledge. All the accounts are setup only after confirming the genuinity of the signup.
2. Payments
All charges are shown in USD or AED Payments are to be made in the currency you select. We accept the following types of payment:
Credit/Debit Card (VISA, MasterCard)
Bank Transfer
3. Billing Cycles
We accept monthly, quarterly, semi-annual & annual payments.
4. Bank / Wire Transfer
Accounts paid for by wire transfers & bank transfers would be setup only after we get proof of the payment being done. A copy of the receipt of the payment has to be sent to our billing department. Customers may scan the receipt or take a screen-shot of the same & email it as an attachment to or billing support department. Such accounts would be setup after the copy of the bank / wire transfer receipt is received and payment is 100% complete.
5. Changing Cycle or Service
We require a written authorization in the form of an email or support ticket for requests to change billing cycles, contact email address & cancellation / termination of services. Requests on live-chat, skype, or the phone number for the same would not be accepted.
6. Billing Notificiations
We send renewal reminders 7 days (Three) before the actual renewal / due date. This is done so that our clients get enough time to arrange for the funds required. A second reminder is also sent before the actual due date. The third & final reminder is sent on the day of renewal itself
7. Suspensions
No grace period is given to accounts. They will be suspended on the 1st day of the account being past due. A notification email is sent informing the customers about the hosting service being suspended.
8. Suspended & Terminated Services
We allow up to 3 (three) days for most of the services after the account has been suspended for the renewal to be paid and the original service re-activated. The account is terminated meaning all files and related service configurations deleted once this period of 3 days is over. Under no circumstances would BlessHost IT Services provide a backup of the service once a service has hit suspended.
9. Money Back Guarantee & Refunds
We have a 7-day money back guarantee period which the customer is free to cancel their service & claim a refund of the charges paid if there is issue in the service. Refunds to gateway and the 7-day money back guarantee are only applicable for customers with first time services.
A customer who has already had a service of the same type would not be entitled to a refund to the gateway or 7-day money back guarantee.
Refunds to the gateway of which the payment was made is completely at BlessHost IT Services's discretion ref #9.2.
All refunds that are not processed to the gateway will be applied to your BlessHost IT Services account as a credit balance.
Services which are completely non-refundable to the gateway and are only applicable for a credit balance refund are as follows:
Domain names
Virtual Servers
Dedicated Servers
Dedicated IP Addresses
Additional Add-ons
Any additional over-usage
Any control panel charges and or any other software charges
All services including the list above are fully refundable to the gateway before provisioning has started. Once the service is active and provisioning is completed section 9 - 9.3 apply.
If BlessHost IT Services detemines a problem to be fault of BlessHost IT Services the customer will be able to have refund based from the SLA to their gateway or relative gateway provider please refer to ref #15
10. Domain renewals
If the domain registration expires due to auto-renew being disabled, please notify us immediately and we will try our best to renew the domain name for you. However should it come to the time when the domain has already been pushed into the redemption period then you will be responsible for the one time payment of redemption fee & the renewal charges of the domain to renew your domain (this is the amount charged by our registrar, eNom).
11. Money Back Guarantee & Refunds
A pro-rated refund based on section 9 - 9.4 is given in case of cancellations within the next due renewal. Only charges for the un-used period would be refunded. If the cancellation request is received within six to zero days before the renewal date, this cancellation request will be effective on the following billing cycle and charges for the current month will apply.
12. Charge Backs
BlessHost IT Services does not allow charge backs to occur to its merchant accounts and contracts with any credit card supplier internationally. It is not recommended to initiate a charge back hence the customer agreed to the billing policies (this document) and the terms and conditions outlined in this document and BlessHost IT Services will use this document and customer agreements at the time of the order to wholeheartedly fight a charge back dispute.
It's BlessHost IT Services's discretion to delete, terminate or suspend a service as soon as a chargeback is initiated, it's also BlessHost IT Services's discretion to initate communication on any of BlessHost IT communications with a customer if a chargeback has been filed.
BlessHost IT Services will use all methods of communication to the gateway and or credit card supplier to communicate with the customer after a chargeback has been initated.
Any charge back dispute will immediately result in suspension of the account and another charge will be applied to the customer to resume services after the chargeback process is complete. Any customer, who provides a credit card charge back in response to a bill and/or order placed at BlessHost IT Services, will be subject to collections and legal action.
Charge backs are never an acceptable means of attaining a refund. By ordering a service from BlessHost IT Services you are bound by these terms and conditions and must follow and agree to them. The following amounts will be applied for all charge backs: $25.00 Charge back processing fee, $100 penalty for charge back usage. In addition if collections action is required a 20% collections fee will be assessed as well for the total amount.
13. Terminated Accounts
Accounts terminated due to any hosting violation, breach of our policies (TOS & AUP) are not entitled to any sort of refund what-so-ever. Instances where BlessHost IT Services has had to delete or terminate accounts (after having evidence to substantiate the charges / violations) due to complaints of copy-right infringement, internet watchdog complaints would also not be entitled for any refund at all.
14. Billing Information
You can update your billing information from the billing panel. If incase, you do not have the access to change for some of the information, you need to contact our Billing Department via Billing panel & the changes would be done in 24 hours. Periodically it may become necessary for us to contact our customers regarding account status. If the information provided to us is not current, it may lead to a failure to receive notices. Customers are solely responsible for keeping all personal and billing information current at all times. We are not responsible for actions that are taken as a result of a customer's failure to respond to our notices.
15. Compensation
At any point of time, in cases where compensation has to be given for not having been able to provide the services guaranteed on the website, the amount would not be more than 1 month's hosting fees and if the service was usable for a period longer than 72 hours prorata compensation will be provided for the rest of the period.
Please email for any further queries or clarifications.